What should I do if I’ve suffered a spinal cord injury?

Demas Law Group, P.C., advises anyone who has sustained an injury in an accident to seek immediate medical treatment. Spinal cord injuries always require hospitalization, and if you decide to file a claim against the responsible party, it is very beneficial to have your injury documented by medical professionals from the very beginning. Medical treatment for spinal cord injuries is extremely complex and the strength of your case depends in part on keeping track of these voluminous medical records. If you believe someone is at fault for your accident, it’s important to document the accident as much as possible. If you are too injured to do this, have a family member or friend assist you. Get the names of anyone who may have caused the accident and any witnesses, included law enforcement officials who may have been present at the scene. Take pictures of your injuries and the accident scene. Write down all the details of the accident as soon as possible and call the experienced spinal cord injury lawyers at Demas Law Group, P.C.