Sacramento Personal Injury Attorney: Statute of Limitation in California
All claims for damages arising from an auto collision have a "statute of limitations", meaning a law that requires that a lawsuit or a claim be filed within a specified period of time. If the lawsuit or claim is not filed within the required time, the legal right to make the claim is lost forever.
The statute of limitations that applies to an auto accident injury claim will depend on whether the person or entity that caused your injury or damage was a private person or entity, or a public person or entity. Typically, the statute of limitations for filing a claim against a private person is two years. However, that period is a lot shorter—typically 6 months—if the claim is filed against a public entity.
Statutes of limitation can be complex and require that legal definitions be applied to the specific facts of any individual case. Accordingly, you should consult a personal injury attorney to get legal advice regarding the statute of limitations that applies in your case.
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