Tips for Driving Safely Near Schools and in School Zones

Driving Safely Near Schools and in School Zones

Sacramento school zones can be dangerous places for pedestrians, especially children. Sadly, the city recently ranked fourth in the state for the highest number of people under 15 who suffered severe injuries or died in pedestrian collisions. For this reason, Sacramento lowered speed limits to 15 miles per hour near schools. Still, 83 of the city’s elementary, middle, and high schools fall within Sacramento’s “High Injury Network,” or areas where the most fatal and serious crashes occur.

With such an imminent threat to public safety, drivers must understand the laws for driving near schools. Here’s what you need to know from personal injury attorneys at Demas Law Group. 

What is the Speed Limit for School Zones in California?

In general, the speed limit in California school zones is 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted. However, Sacramento and other areas enforce speed limits as low as 15 miles per hour. These speed limits apply during regular school hours, when children enter and leave the school, or during recess.

However, drivers should always be cautious while driving through school zones, regardless of the speed limit. Children are unpredictable and may dart out in front of vehicles, giving drivers little time to react.  Always stop for anyone walking in crosswalks or at the direction of a crossing guard. 

Precautions to Take While Driving Near Schools

If you drive near a school zone, take these precautions to keep yourself and others safe. You should:  

  • Learn to recognize local school zones and signs.
  • Avoid distracted driving.
  • Reduce your speed and proceed with caution.
  • Expect slowdowns and increased traffic in school zones.
  • Obey all crossing guards and watch for children in and out of crosswalks.
  • Preplan your child’s route to reduce unexpected delays or obstacles.
  • Know when and where to pick up your children safely.
  • Follow the school’s carpool procedure. 
  • Know what to do around school buses.

Children exiting a school bus are particularly vulnerable to careless drivers. California law requires drivers in both directions to stop when a school bus deploys its stop sign and flashing lights. Traffic cannot resume until the bus’s red lights stop flashing and the path is clear of pedestrians.

Be sure to share school zone safety information with your children. Quiz them on their traffic signs and signal knowledge. Instruct them on what to do at crosswalks and to follow the crossing guard’s directions. Tell them to avoid distractions and not walk while using a cell phone or listening to music via earbuds or headphones. 

Get Help from Our School Zone Accident Lawyers 

The legal team at Demas Law Group has more than 25 years of experience helping injured Californians pursue the money they deserve after accidents caused by another’s negligence. If you or your child suffered injuries in a school zone accident, you could be entitled to compensation from the at-fault driver. Contact us today for a free consultation with a school zone injury lawyer in Sacramento.

The lawyer you choose to represent you in your personal injury matter will greatly affect the outcome of your case. What many people don’t realize, though, is that your relationship with your lawyer will also impact your life.