Do I need a personal injury lawyer?

If you were in an accident that caused only property damage, you may not need an attorney. However, if you sustained any injuries – regardless of how minor they are – obtaining legal consultation is vital before deciding what course of action to take. Most reputable personal injury attorneys provide initial consultations at no cost and no obligation, which means you have nothing to lose. Furthermore, an experienced personal injury attorney can evaluate your case and tell you what to expect. He or she can recommend appropriate medical treatment, negotiate a replacement automobile or car repair, and ultimately help you obtain a fair and full settlement with the insurance company that takes into account all of your damages, including your pain and suffering. Attempting to negotiate a settlement with an insurance company on your own can be risky. Keep in mind that the lawyers and claims adjustors employed by the insurance company get paid, praised and promoted for keeping their side’s costs down. They know the business, and are eager for you to settle your case as fast as possible, before any more issues arise that can potentially increase their liability and costs. In fact, dealing with an insurance company without legal counsel could also result in you unknowingly waiving important legal rights, such as filing a lawsuit in a timely manner. When an insurance company is dealing with a lawyer who has a record of success and trial experience, they are much more likely to offer a fair settlement.