Personal Injury

confidential settlements

Confidentiality agreements, also known as non-disclosure policies, outlines confidential material or information that both parties wish to restrict access to by third parties. These agreements are a type of contract which two or more parties agree to that ensure certain information will remain confidential. In personal injury cases this can include the settlement amount or […]

injury claim

Personal injury law covers a wide range of accidents, with no two cases ever being the same. These cases can include car accidents, slip and fall at stores, churches, and work sites, injuries caused by a defective product, being hit by a police car, being hit by a school bus, and even the mistakes by […]

bicycle lane

According to police reports, a 79-year-old Sacramento cyclist was hit by a 19-year-old driver who was heading eastbound near West Capitol Ave and Jefferson Blvd in a four-door car. The police have not determined the cause of the accident. One of the passengers stated the cyclist was heading the right way on the road before […]


During mediation, the parties involved in a dispute come together with a neutral third person, known as the mediator, and discuss the situation until a mutually satisfactory solution of their conflict has been met. The mediator is trained to help the opposing sides come to a solution but does not make any decisions or give […]

medical examination

A Defense Medical Examination (DME) may be required during the process of pursuing your personal injury claim. Also known as an “Independent Medical Exam,” this type of examination is done by a physician or specialist hired by the defense to evaluate your condition in relation to your claims and potentially testify against you in court. […]


A personal injury case is only as successful as your ability to pursue the proper defendants. Many cases have been thrown out of court because it was shown that the defendants to the action were not actually liable. Sometimes, the person or entity responsible for your accident is not immediately apparent. Therefore, before you consider […]

common challenges in the personal injury field

Every job has ups and downs, but when you work for a personal injury law firm, you get a different dose of difficult. Demas Law Group attorneys John Demas, Jacqueline Siemens and Vanessa Hunter explain some of the tricky aspects about their line of work and how they deal with them. Dealing with Insurance Companies […]


When someone is involved in an accident it is quite common for the victim to incur medical bills. Even a single trip to the emergency room and a visit to a doctor for follow up care can cost thousands of dollars, and the price can go out of sight if the victim requires surgery, a […]

wrecked car

Property damage costs are often a significant part of the total spent on an accident, particularly when the accident involves a vehicle. In fact, in some cases the treatment of injuries may amount to only a few hundred dollars while the property damage runs in the thousands. Part of the reason that property damage costs […]

chasing money

When someone is injured in an accident, insurance companies will often encourage a quick settlement. The reason is simple: these companies know that by dangling the “carrot” of a quick settlement before the victim, he or she will likely take the money and relinquish all rights to future compensation. This means that, by offering a […]